With Givenchy's philosophy being elegance with simplicity, the brand was definitely geared towards professional, elegant women back in the 1960s. However, now with a larger line of more formal attire and hefty prices, it can be seen that the brand is geared towards the middle class. Consumers range from the late 20's-30's since they are the ones with the money to spend on the products. However, Givenchy has recently tried to become more popular with the younger generation. By experimenting with unique pieces, graphic prints, and using celebrities to be the face of Givenchy. The brand has definitely widened their demographic. Now this is just the people they sell to. To put them on the larger scale of world wide, they do a very good job of targeting the consumers. You may think that items sold in Asia will be more Asian cultured, and items sold in Africa is more African cultured. That is untrue, because Givenchy is a brand know for their pieces. And no matter where the items are sold, the item will always be the same that is sold everywhere. Givenchy is Givenchy because of the consumers. They know that the item they are getting isn't the same as the ones they get from Walmart or H&M. By having customers like this, Givenchy can always experiment with unique designs. But of course the maison wouldn't do anything to make their pieces unreasonable. The consumers that buy Givenchy most likely have the mindset of "You pay for what you get" and if Givenchy's quality doesn't match with the price, they will lose a large group of people.
Example of younger audience |